Monday, September 28, 2009

Ice Ice baby!

Update: I took them out of the freezer, left them out on the counter for 30 minutes.
Ice was still super hard, I had to break the part that was out of the peep hole in order for it to "slide" out.
my shoes were wet, my feet were cold, and it was eh.. a bit stretched, but still snug.
So, not really worth it.

I have a pair that was brought to me as a present.. half a size small.. will try it and let you know!

^ ready to go!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pet Peeve 3

GUM smacking/snapping

Friday, September 25, 2009

I want this Jacket..

paired with YSL bondage shoes.. yum..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hail to the King of the United States of Africa

Read away.. and away..

He wanted to set camp in Central Park and he called Obama "My son" LOOOOL ya3ni African o same same.. !

I would visit him! gahwa 3arabiya ib khaima 3ala central park.. ayabaaaaaaaaah!.. mazaja ya3jebni il9ara7a LOL

They called him bizarre.. I see him as entertaining!

I think I'm a fan.. I'm getting his "Green Book" immediately..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

من بعض ما عندنا

23.9.2009, Australia's worst dust storm in 70 years blanketed the heavily populated east coast Wednesday in a cloud of red Outback grit, nearly closed the country's largest airport and left millions of people coughing and sputtering in the streets.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

size 14 models Rocked London's Fashion week..

Knitwear designer Mark Fast decided to challenge the obsession with size zero models and use curvier women to showcase his creations.
It was a bold move - and one which nearly led to his entire project unravelling. (Oh NO!)
When he told his design team that his figure-hugging outfits would be paraded down the runway by size 12 and 14 models, two of his people were apparently so angry they quit. (HA HA!)

The stylist and creative designer deserted Fast, 28, just three days before Saturday's event at the University of Westminster. (Uh OH!)
The show was only saved after freelancers Daniela Agnelli and Natalie Hubbarb stepped in to help Fast, working into the early hours to ensure all the designs were ready for the big day. (Whew!)
Happily, it was a great success, with three models from the agency 12+ UK gracing the catwalk. (YAY!)

Now that's what I call REAL women :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cartoon Classic!

BY FAR, one of the funniest cartoons I've seen in a while!

Edward. Marry me.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I wouldn't be caught dead wearing...

Welcome to my "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing" series..

This time I'm playing it safe, most of you will agree with me.

but maybe next time most won't..


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beauty Kit

This sarcastic, disturbing, and in a way sad, video represents the truth about looking fake. It is intended to to correct our flawed thinking, not our flawed bodies.
Parents should educate children and teens who are seeking perfection about the enormous influence of the atrocious depictions of beauty in the media, which eventually can lead to eating disorders, depression and death.

embrace your self image..

no one is perfect.. and that's the beauty of it..

Thank you M**

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sheeeeeeeel yallaah Sheeeeeeeeel

we dance and sing along everyday! LOL

(bas ma77ad yadri..shhh)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are you ready for 2010 Cruise/Resort Collection?

Ready or not.. here it comes..

I assembled some of the best looks for u.. take a peak at what's coming..

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A La Mode قرقيعان

ما هو القرقيعان؟

عاده شعبيه رمضانيه توارثتها الأجيال عند أهل الخليج
يقومون فيها الأطفال بالتجوال بين البيوت و الغناء بملابس شعبيه و اكياس معلقه على رقبتهم لجمع الحلوى و المكسرات
البعض يقول ان كلمة قرقيعان مستوحاه من "القرع على الباب" أو من "قرة العين" لكثرة تواصل الناس في هذا الشهر الفضيل
الدافع الأساسي وراء هذه العاده هو نشر البهجه و روح التعاون و العطاء والمساواة بين الفقير و الغني


نفهم ان هذه العاده البسيطه تونس اليهال في نص شهر رمضان
يغنون فيها, يتجمعون, يلبسون هدوم شعبيه, يجمعون حلاو, نستانس فيهم على كثر وناستهم


شماله امهات يطرشون هدايا باسم عيالهم حق خالتي فلانه و فلنتانه؟؟

شماله قرقيعان ما فيه حلاو حتى اليهال ما يستانسون فيه؟

شماله الاسراف والتبذير اللي ماله اي داعي؟

شماله كل وحده اتشيحط على الثانيه بقرقيعان عيالها؟

هذا مستوى شي الواحد اتشيحط فيه؟

!!!يالله الجنه.. مادري صار عالم ولا دكتور.. اقصاه قرقيعان

..استحوا!!! والله فشله

الكل قام يتنافس و يسوي قرقيعان من اقدعها ماركه.. و هذا الميدان يا حميدان
..!!! اللي يجيبونه من لندن واللي من باريس واللي من كان

بس باللأخير اليهال ما راح يفرقون بين الحلاو المحلي و المستورد

ولا يدرون وين الله قاطهم

والسلال والجناط كلها بتوزع

عيل معناته يا فلانه ثبتي و تحجي عن قرقيعاني اللي ما صار ولا دار

لو متبرعه اب هالكم فلس (الف) اللي فسفستيهم على ولا شي مو أحسن؟

و أستر؟


هذا الشي الوحيد اللي باقي من عاداتنا حق اليهال

!!!ليش خربتوه؟؟؟

ترى ماكو احلى من البساطه

و يا عيني عالبســــــــــــــاطه

Love it!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Age Sports.. No Sneakers Required..

26 x 5 = 130
26 x 10 = 260
26 x 60 = a whopping 1560!!!

(cancelling gym membership)

Melting people..

Ice sculptures in the shape of humans are placed on the steps of the music hall in Gendarmenmarkt public square in Berlin September 2, 2009. Hosted by the German World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), 1,000 ice sculptures made by Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo were positioned on the steps in the German capital at noon, to highlight climate change in the arctic region.
