Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sheeeeeeeel yallaah Sheeeeeeeeel

we dance and sing along everyday! LOL

(bas ma77ad yadri..shhh)


Anonymous said...

Dear Miznah,
Awalan 7mdela 3asalama! Can't tell you how many times I've been checking your blog to see if u posted something new! I've been a silent reader for a while now and I just L.O.V.E your blog. I love the way you write, the topics you discuss, and how you make boring topics interesting! I can't tell you how much I admire your sense of fashion, intellect and knowledge (mashallah). Al7een you're probably thinking esh'hal maynoona ely tesale6at 3ala my blog! Bs el9ej yengal, I admire you a lot and for some reason you inspire me. I see lots of wisdom in you, don't know if it came to you with age, experience or knowledge bs mashalla 3alaich. Ahaneech elsara7a 3ala hal kalam el7elo ely kela man6eq oo your posts lekhfaf ely ewansoon! Anyways, hal comment is just to tell you that you are admired and you're posts make a difference! More power to you! Good luck oo allah ewafgech:)

Miznah said...


You made my day! I woke up cranky with a major headache.. it slowly faded away! ;)
Awalan I can never say 3anich maynona cuz you make complete sense to me lol
Thaniyan I could not be more appreciative of the kind words you just said, it went straight to the heart as I know it's coming from yours. In the beginning I have not expected anyone to read my blog, let alone having fans! This is utterly exciting and challanging o inshallah I'll try to maintain it as it is, simple everyday thoughts.
plz feel at ease to comment more often ;) Thank YOU for taking the time to read my blog, your admiration is greatly appreciated :)

AO said...

me 2 :P shhhhhhhh :D

Miznah said...


LOOOL ashwa mo bas i7na!