!لا والله
What if I don't have my own human fur?
ok let's assume I had fur (lol)
I'm a disgusting furry clump
hair all over my body
would it really work as insulation during these freezing days?
bidal il thermal mathalan?
ya3ni fal nafreth ana 3aysha fe Moscow
ma albes Fur?
wearing something natural is more flattering as opposed to disastrous synthetic articles of clothing
fur is natural, durable, sustainable, sumptuous, warm and feels so soft (taboni amshi wat7akak?)
faux fur is not biodegradable
it's an ecological disaster with a huge carbon footprint
so basically it harms the environment (HA HA!)
we as a human race have alienated ourselves from nature it's ridiculous!
our world has become so fake and artificial
plastic and factitious objects have replaced the genuine and natural ones
as for myself, I'm that sort of a person who likes to be in touch with nature
therefore I wear real fur :)
o yitha7kni lama yigoloon
"would you wear dead animals"
ma your shoes are dead animals
your cotton shirts are dead plants
you eat dead animals
o your ancestors wouldn't have survived the ice-age if it wasn't for fur
and you wouldn't even be here arguing with me
FUR saved the human race!!!! :)
anyone who says otherwise would be a hypocrite
(or someone who desperately wants real fur but can't afford it)
o ba3dain fur farms take really good care of their animals
at the end they're going to die anyway
let them die with dignity ya akhi! lol
"Most claims that the animals are treated and killed cruelly by the fur industry have been proven to be fabrications. If you buy your fur coat from a reputable furrier, you will have the peace of mind to know that the animals have been treated humanely"
I'm against animal cruelty
but not all fur is obtained this way!!
that's a total misconception
it's a personal choice
It is absolutely within your rights to decide
but don't be judgmental
by trying to impose your ideals on us
if you don't like fur, don't wear it!
and as long as it's legal
ahooooooo 3a6ooni ilfourrure khantidaffa..
case closed :)